Technology & Innovation
- Technology & Innovation
- The company currently employs over 150 R&D professionals, with 70% holding college degrees or higher. Additionally, one member holds a doctorate, and eight have intermediate or senior professional titles or above. The core technical team boasts more than a decade of development experience. Our company has well-established R&D process systems, technological innovation management, and decision-making mechanisms. We also possess comprehensive R&D testing facilities and extensive product testing capabilities. Furthermore, we have rich experience in collaborative development with major OEMs and transmission shaft companies.
We have successfully collaborated with University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou University of Dianzi Science and Technology, Jiaxing Nanhu University as well as several other universities to establish industry-university-research cooperation. Leveraging high-precision scientific research and technology platforms enables us to continuously enhance our innovation capabilities while delivering value to our partners through ongoing improvement and development processes.
150More than
R&D personnel
College degree or above
senior and intermediate professional titles
10More than
Development experience