Pinghu Economic Development Zone "Trade Unions Hand in Hand for Safety, Building a Safe Economic Development Zone Together" series of activities kicked off today.

Release time:2021-11-09 Author: Zhejiang Honglee Auto Parts Group

On November 9th, the 27th National Fire Protection Day, Pinghu Economic Development Zone launched the "Trade Unions Hand in Hand for Safety, Building a Safe Economic Development Zone Together" series of activities. In order to consolidate the achievements of safe construction and further improve the awareness and participation of trade union organizations at all levels in safe enterprises, safe village communities, and safe economic development zones, on the morning of November 9th, the general labor union of Pinghu Economic Development Zone (Zhongdao Street), the safety supervision station, and the fire station jointly organized the launch ceremony of the series of activities. The vice chairman of the city's general labor union, Shen Qiang, and leaders from Pinghu Economic Development Zone, Yu Weiping and Fei Weifeng attended the ceremony.

The ceremony was hosted by Fei Weifeng, member of the party committee, head of the people's armed forces.

Zhang Hongmei, full-time vice chairman of the general labor union of Pinghu Economic Development Zone, made work arrangements for this series of activities.

Representatives of enterprise trade union chairmen and village community union chairmen made speeches.

Yu Weiping, deputy secretary of the party committee of Pinghu Economic Development Zone (Zhongdao Street) and chairman of the general labor union, said at the meeting that firstly, we should conduct in-depth publicity, strengthen training, and actively play a leading role; secondly, we should strengthen supervision and implementation and conscientiously fulfill our supervisory responsibilities; and thirdly, we should actively mobilize people to participate in the work and do a good job in motivating people to provide a guarantee for the sustainable stability of production safety in Pinghu Economic Development Zone and create a good safe development environment for building a national-level economic and technological development zone.

Shen Qiang, vice chairman of the city's general labor union, announced the start of the event. After the launch ceremony, participants observed fire drills on site. Enterprise trade union chairmen and volunteers distributed publicity materials on production safety, labor protection, and national fire prevention to workers.

It is understood that this year, the general labor union of Pinghu Economic Development Zone has continued to deepen the important role of trade unions in production safety in enterprises. Through the "Instant Photography for Safety Hazards" campaign, a number of safety hazards have been found and rectified, achieving good results. Next step, the district general labor union will carry out a series of activities including safety knowledge promotion activities in enterprises, fire safety drill contests, safety knowledge competitions, "Floating Red Flag" assessments, etc., conducting all-round publicity activities for production safety, labor protection, national fire prevention, etc., educating and guiding workers to establish a red line awareness, strengthen enterprise emergency rescue capacity construction, enhance workers' awareness of safety and self-rescue skills and abilities, and effectively protect workers' lives and safety and enterprise production safety.