Group Honors

Rely on high-precision scientific research technology platform
Currently, the group has four "high-tech enterprises", two provincial-level "specialized, specialized, and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprises, one "academician workstation", one "postdoctoral workstation", three "provincial-level enterprise research institutes", and one "provincial-level industrial innovation service complex". Among them, the products of Telford, a subsidiary of the group, have been successively awarded the third prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, the third prize of the Provincial Excellent Industrial New Product Award, and the Zhejiang Manufacturing Quality Award. As of August 2023, the group has obtained 261 authorized patents (including 40 invention patents), 4 software copyrights, and 14 registered trademarks.

Honor Certificate

  • High-tech enterprise certificate

  • ISO/TS 16949:2009

  • ISO/TS 16949:2009

  • Top 30 taxpayers in the economic development zone in 2017

  • Top 30 sales revenue and taxpayers in 2016

  • 2016 Na Tiefu service excellence award

  • Advanced enterprise in industrial production investment in 2013

  • Enterprise credit rating in 2014

  • Top 16 growing enterprises in 2015

  • Advanced grassroots party organizations in 2015

  • Enterprise member level in 2014

  • Member unit of Pinghu Energy Saving Association

  • Excellent supplier

  • Honda gratitude certificate

  • Pinghu enterprise research and development center

  • Zhejiang science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises

  • High-tech enterprise certificate

  • High-tech enterprise certificate

  • Jiaxing enterprise technology center certification

  • Jiaxing research and development center

  • Beautiful enterprise courtyard certificate

  • Pinghu research and development center

  • Provincial-level research and development center

  • Provincial high-tech enterprise research and development center

  • Employee safety knowledge competition award certificate

  • Professional master's degree student training base - Shanghai University of Science and Technology