Walking with gratitude and accompanied by happiness - report on the "Golden Autumn Teaching Assistant" activity of Hongli Auto Parts Group.

Release time:2022-10-20 Author: Zhejiang Honglee Auto Parts Group

In the golden autumn of October, with refreshing autumn breeze, Zhejiang Hongli Auto Parts Group Party Working Committee joined hands with Yuxin Primary School to carry out the "Golden Autumn Teaching Assistant" activity. Since its establishment, the Hongli Party Working Committee has formed a "school-enterprise pair" with Yuxin Primary School and organized "assistance in learning, teaching, and construction" activities every year. This activity innovated the activity carrier and with the strong support of the group party branch and various company unions, nearly 20 people participated. Through sharing and fun sports, they communicated face-to-face with students from three classes in the sixth grade to further enhance their relationship. At 10 am, the staff arrived at the school, hung banners, marked the field, and placed props. The students looked at the props and gifts on the ground and were as excited as little magpies, asking questions non-stop "What are you here for?","Which games will there be?", "Which class are we going to do activities with?" etc. The staff patiently answered the children's questions and said that this is a long-term activity, and when you are in the sixth grade, we will play together again.
The activity began with applause. The first link was "Let the happiness flower bloom on the grateful branches" sharing. Three sharing teachers were welcomed by the children as soon as they entered the classroom. The teacher communicated with the students from three aspects: "What is happiness?", "How to perceive happiness?", "Happiness comes from gratitude". During the sharing, the children responded enthusiastically, and the teacher made passionate statements. When it came to "How to be grateful to parents", the children said, "Don't make Mom and Dad angry," "Pour water for Mom and Dad," "Help wash dishes," "Help with housework" and so on. The sharing teacher couldn't help but sigh at the untrue talk that "the post-2000 generation doesn't understand gratitude on the Internet". Love needs to be transmitted. When we treat others with love and kindness, our partners will also pass this love on. The entire sharing lasted nearly 40 minutes, and was completed with the solemn oath of all the students that "I will definitely respect my elders, respect my teachers, unite my classmates, study hard, work hard, live up to the expectations of my parents and teachers. In life, I will always have a grateful heart, not complain or speak of dedication, and repay society with a sincere heart."

The playground was full of people and the red flags were flying. The second link of the activity was a fun game. There were four items: "Speed 60 seconds", "Long dragon weaving around the bench", "Eight characters skipping rope and skipping rope", and "Table tennis relay race". As soon as the children arrived at the playground, they couldn't help but feel excited and eager to try. However, even if they were itchy, they still lined up, counted, and grouped under the command of the teacher, in an orderly manner and ready to start.

The first event was "Long dragon weaving around the bench". Ten children held the clothes of the children in front of them with their hands, formed a small long dragon, and ran along the ten benches in an "S" shape. The second event was "Eight characters skipping rope and skipping rope". Faced with the long rope that was jumping, some students looked scared and didn't dare to come forward. After a fierce ideological struggle, with the encouragement of their classmates, they broke through the psychological barrier and jumped over this "roadblock". Then came the "Table tennis relay race". Faced with the naughty table tennis, the students carefully guarded some of them and passed it on at high speed. The little table tennis ball also felt the joy and danced and jumped among a group of children. Finally, there was "Speed 60 seconds", which was a game that tested knowledge. 26 cards represented different numbers through words, graphics, symbols, homophones, etc. Students were required to identify and arrange them in three rounds of 60 seconds each. After nearly an hour of intense competition, the four games were decided one after another, and the awards were also collected. Finally, Class 2 (Grade 6) became the winner of this event with three champions and one runner-up; Class 1 (Grade 6) followed with three runners-up and one third place; and Class 3 (Grade 6) ranked third with one champion and three third places.

Finally, Ms. Xiao Hong, secretary of the Party branch of the Hongli Group, Mr. Xiang Guangyue, chairman of the Group's labor union, and representatives of other labor union chairmen presented the children with banners and prizes. The event ended in a joyful atmosphere.
Being kind, doing good and promoting good are the brightest scenery of humanity; enthusiasm, care and love are the most beautiful melody of life. The Manulife Group has always had a humanistic spirit of "the best is like water, and virtue carries things". We hope to use this "Golden Autumn Teaching Assistant" activity to advocate more people to pay attention to and support basic education, especially the education of children of migrant workers. The Manulife Group will also carry forward this activity as a long-term project. "Strong young people, strong China". This is not only the aspiration of Mr. Liang Qichao, but also the beautiful wish of generations of Chinese people!