The spring breeze is strong, and the new situation is opened by concentrating on the new situation.

Release time:2023-03-07 Author: Zhejiang Honglee Auto Parts Group

The spring breeze is sweeping through, and we are working together to open a new chapter

-- The opening of the 14th CPPCC National Committee

In March in the capital city, the spring breeze is vast and the willows are green; looking at China, the spring tide is surging and vibrant.
In the afternoon of March 4, the 14th session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) opened in Beijing. The party branch of Hongli Auto Parts Group organized all the party members to watch the opening ceremony by themselves.
 As a manufacturing industry, we pay attention to the economic operation trend and the overall economic recovery after the epidemic through the two sessions. Long-term concern about the situation of China's economic development Qu Yongyi very exciting: "From the beginning of the year economic operation trend, 2023 China's economic development has the confidence and ability to achieve an overall improvement in the quality of development will be further improved."
The opening year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, the key year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and the important year for laying the foundation for the comprehensive construction of a modernized socialist country ...... billion Chinese people are under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and are full of energy. Under the leadership of Comrade Xi Jinping, the people of China are heading for a glorious and dreamy expedition. Strengthen confidence, gather people's hearts, and build one heart. We are building wise words, offering pragmatic policies and making long-term plans.
Through the two sessions, we learned about the great achievements of our country in the past five years, as well as the Party and the government's deployment and outlook for the work in 2023, so that we can see a brighter future from it. Party members and comrades all said that they have benefited a lot from the study of the two sessions.
We not only set up a strict concept of discipline and deepened our understanding of the Party, but also further clarified the purpose of joining the Party, i.e., not only to keep ourselves in a progressive state of mind, but also to work together with the Party comrades around us, and to hold ourselves strictly to the standards of a Party member at all times. We just need to carry forward the spirit of dedication, the spirit of "respect", the spirit of "respect", the spirit of "time is pressing", the spirit of "never rush", and the attitude of "progress". Refinement attitude, not forgetting the original intention, bearing in mind the mission, accelerating the run, dreaming and struggling, the heart is not beside the police to do the cause, take on the role of grasping the implementation of the General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the two sessions of the great goal and the two sessions of the major tasks put forward!
The end of the opening session, facing the spring breeze, the members out of the Great Hall of the People. On Tiananmen Square, the red flag is waving and the spring is bright.