2021 Growing Up Summer Camp.

Release time:2021-08-28 Author: Zhejiang Honglee Auto Parts Group

If the youth are intelligent, the country will be intelligent; if the youth are strong, the country will be strong. Young people are the future of the country. To enrich children's summer vacation life and enhance their self-learning awareness and clarify their own learning hobbies and interests, under the initiative of the Party branch, KangpuRui and Defu Trade Union jointly invested in opening summer vacation classroom activities, hoping that children can spend a meaningful vacation and solve the problem of caring for children in dual-worker families.

Based on last year's activities, this year's activities have been upgraded in terms of their operation mode. In cooperation with the neighbor union of the development zone, the company invests and the neighbor union undertakes the form of operation. A total of two sessions were held, each lasting three weeks, six days a week. Considering the time difference between parents' work time and the neighbor union's opening time, the company proposed that employees send their children to the company and then send them to the neighbor union together. After class in the evening, the company will pick them up and take care of their dinner, and then take care of them until the employees finish work. In order to enrich the time for children to return to the company, indoor golf, table football, table hockey and other toys were purchased to keep children away from electronic products.

The neighbor union also spent a lot of energy in organizing the activities, arranging venues, employing three professional teachers and five volunteers to teach children professionally. In terms of course arrangement, daily required courses such as calligraphy, reading, summer homework, and handcraft class were arranged. At the same time, courses such as dance and speech were arranged. Most importantly, for each session of the summer vacation class, the teacher arranged 2-3 practical visits for the children to receive patriotic, family-loving, and parent-loving educational guidance. Children were educated that "being born under the national flag and growing in the spring breeze" is a happy life with countless people's hard work behind it. Especially in gratitude teaching, the teacher's touching words and scenes of parents working hard moved the volunteers and teachers. Children also talked to the volunteers about some incorrect behaviors in their daily lives. Some children said that because their parents were not around, they were very indulgent financially, spending money lavishly; some children said that because they did not have parents to accompany them, they were addicted to mobile phones all day long. When their parents asked them not to play with mobile phones, they stubbornly contradicted "You don't accompany me"; some children said that they did not love learning but now they knew that without knowledge, making money was very hard. Children's voices and feelings touched the volunteers and teachers. Children also turned their inner thoughts into a letter of gratitude to their parents.

At the end of each session, teachers evaluated various individual awards based on children's performance, and each child received a gift from the organizers and was praised by the teacher. Children's happy faces are a witness to the success of the event and inspire us to continue holding this activity. However, happy moments are always short-lived. This year's summer camp ended with children's reluctance to part ways. We look forward to meeting again next year!