Study the 20th Congress and follow the Party forever.

Release time:2022-10-26 Author: Zhejiang Honglee Auto Parts Group

On October 22, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China closed in Beijing. Over the past few days, Hongli Group has always regarded the study and propagation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress as the primary political task, coordinated the organization and promotion, comprehensively studied and comprehended, and thoroughly implemented the implementation, and set off a fervor of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress within the Group under the theme of "Studying the 20th CPC National Congress and Forever Walking with the Party".

On October 14, in the eve of the opening of the 20th National Congress, all staff at the Party branch actively prepared, responded to the call, and watched the series of programs "Party Class Opened" on CCTV produced by the Central Organization Department in cooperation with the Central Radio and Television Station.

On October 16, all members of the Party branch watched the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress with great excitement.

On October 22 morning, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China successfully closed at the Great Hall of the People, and all Party members watched the closing ceremony on time.

On October 28, Hongli Group's Party branch held a monthly theme party activity "Interpretation of the Report of the 20th National Congress".

On November 4, in order to deeply study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Organization Department organized to produce a 37-episode TV series "Style of Representatives of the 20th National Congress", which was watched and studied by Party members of Hongli Branch in their spare time.

On November 10, all Party members watched Luo Yeqing's lecture "focusing on solving the problems that people are eager to see solved" to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

On November 29, Wang Xiaoyan, a member of the expert scholars' preaching group of Pinghu City and also an executive committee member and director of the educational administration section at the city party school, gave a lecture named "Hongli initial heart Lecture Hall", which was attended by all Party members at the Party branch.

On December 12, all Party members watched "Red Boat Party Class" "advancing Chinese-style modernization to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation - implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China".

Through the special party class learning, company party cadres and officials expressed their determination to take learning and publicizing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as their primary political task. They would continue to deeply study and put into practice the new socialist concept of development with Chinese characteristics, maintain confidence and forge ahead. They would also closely integrate current work practices with ensuring implementation to truly transform learning achievements into powerful driving force for promoting high-quality enterprise development.

Party member Bao Hongsheng:

After listening to General Secretary Xi Jinping's report, as a Communist Party member, I am deeply inspired. At the same time, I secretly made up my mind: in my future work and life, I must always maintain ideological and behavioral progressiveness, practice the party's principles with my own words and deeds, solidly do my own job, maintain party members' colors, and play a exemplary role for other party members. Each generation has its mission, each generation has its responsibility. As young party members, we must keep in mind our historical mission, forge ahead, make due contributions to our respective posts, and contribute youth power to our country's strength and company's development.

Party member Tang Ming:

Comrade Xi Jinping's report comprehensively summarizes China's development direction and basic line in the past, present and future. We should unswervingly follow the party and Comrade Xi Jinping's steps to continuously move forward, constantly strengthen our own qualities and abilities, be down-to-earth, take one step at a time, dare to take responsibilities, and are not afraid of difficulties. As new era youth growing up under the Red Flag, we should have lofty ideals and be brave to take responsibilities. In our work, we should work hard, continuously innovate, constantly improve our knowledge system in accordance with our professional and working environment requirements so as to make a contribution to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and building a socialist modern country.

Party member Xu Shuwen:

The 20th Party Congress is a very important meeting held at the important moment when the whole Party, the whole nation and all ethnic groups are embarking on a new journey to build a socialist modernized country in an all-round way, and are constantly marching towards the second hundred-year goal. The road is as long as the iron, and the steps we take now are from the beginning to the end. The 20th Congress is a spiritual baptism for the whole party and the people of all nationalities, but also the direction of my future work and life guidance, I will follow the pace of the 20th Congress, in the work of the most high attitude, the most resounding pace, stepping into their positions, for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and comprehensively build a socialist modernized country and struggle!